Anthony McMahon: Bringing an IT perspective to Camp Quality’s board



Anthony McMahon: Bringing an IT perspective to Camp Quality’s board

On the surface, technology and nonprofits may seem to have little in common – but Anthony McMahon is helping expose just how essential it is for charitable organisations to look closer at their IT structure. Camp Quality has a lot to gain from the expertise that Anthony brings to the table as one of the new members of our board.

Working with nonprofits
Anthony is no stranger to consulting organisations of all sizes on how to implement, transition, and realign their IT strategy. In a slight shift in focus two years ago, Anthony began working with not-for-profits – such as Community Governance in the Waikato, Drowning Prevention Auckland, and Ronald McDonald New Zealand – to help them streamline their operations with technology.

“In working with nonprofits, the goal is to help put in good practices,” says Anthony. “It’s about helping organisations embed and build a better roadmap for their tech – one that better supports their staff, better utilises their IT budget, and helps them save time.”

Because nonprofits are often working with limited budgets, they sometimes miss out on opportunities around IT. Underinvesting in technology means that they are relying on older, clunky systems that take away precious administrative time from the core mission of the charity. On the other hand, Anthony says overinvesting is also an ongoing problem, where nonprofits have been set up with unnecessary and costly systems where they aren’t needed. Anthony helps assess, advise, and configure better ways of operation even under budget constraints.

The Digital Impact Hub
Anthony is leading a transformative initiative called the Digital Impact Hub, aimed to help nonprofits adopt and leverage technology more efficiently. By bridging the gap between digital innovation and not-for-profit practices, the Digital Impact Hub is helping maximise the efforts and potential of New Zealand’s incredible charities.

Here was the outcome for Drowning Prevention Auckland after working with Anthony’s team:
“Thanks to this audit, DPA is confident that they are investing in the right areas and systems at the right time. And they can eliminate wastage and save time and resources. While the speed of the rollout will be driven by how quickly they can get funding, DPA now has a clear direction.”

Joining up with Camp Quality
Outside of his work, Anthony is a father of two young children and a self-identified tragic sports follower. He also is determined to build a bigger impact with his knowledge and experience. Part of this is getting to know how nonprofits work from the inside out.

“I have been looking to join an established board so that I can learn the fundamentals of governance from the people who are doing it really well,” says Anthony. “Camp Quality presented everything – an incredible mission that aligns with my values, the opportunity to bring some IT knowledge to the mix, and a great board to work with.”

Anthony is excited to help bring in the new wave of thinking around technology to Camp Quality – and the board is looking forward to having an IT expert join the team.

He’s also thrilled to be helping out at camp and see the work of CQ in action. “Camp Quality is there to make sure that all kids get the chance to have fun. I’m fortunate enough to have two healthy kids, but the struggle that so many go through with cancer is very real. And I love that Camp Quality is doing something about it.”

Catch Anthony lending a pair of hands at Auckland’s next camp – and starting to help us spot better opportunities for our operational tech!