Skill, passion, and new ideas: A peek into the CQ boardroom with Annmaree


Auckland / Northland

Skill, passion, and new ideas: A peek into the CQ boardroom with Annmaree

It’s an exciting time to be part of Camp Quality – sponsorships on the up, a new database system underway, and storytelling throughout the organisation. For Annmaree Talbot, who joined the board just 18 months ago, it’s an experience like no other.

 It’s all about the kids

 There’s a whole lot that goes on behind the scenes at Camp Quality. The daily administration, volunteer coordination, IT support, and creating content like this! But one thing brings it all together – and that’s a dedication from every single person involved to make it happen for the kids who need it most.

 Annmaree explains, “An incredible thing happens among volunteer boards. You can see it in each person. We really, really want to be there. The passion is obvious.”

 Some board members grew up with Camp Quality, as campers, volunteers, companions, and sometimes all of the above. Others have a personal connection or were inspired by a kid in their life.

For Annmaree, Camp Quality came into her life when her young nephew went to camp – a huge step for him and his family. “The look on his face before he went to camp – and then the one when he came home…It meant so much,” says Annmaree. Tragically, her nephew lost his battle with cancer. When the vacancy for a board position opened, Annmaree knew it was something she was passionate about. Today, Annmaree continues to be part of making that precious experience he had at camp happen for other kids.

Everyone on the board is there because they know how impactful camp can be. “That passion and commitment is present everywhere, and it translates into an incredibly supportive, welcoming environment on the board.”

Bringing balance & skills to the table

 “I cannot believe how highly skilled the CQ board is,” says Annmaree. There are experts in finance, technology, management, investments and so much more. In combination, it’s pretty remarkable!

Annmaree is a long-time volunteer across multiple non-profits over the years – and professionally, she brings tremendous experience as an accountant. She is available to the national team as well as all the regional teams to help out with accounting questions.

 After getting to see the incredible operation on the ground at Auckland’s summer camp, it was a reminder of just how much talent, collaboration, and planning goes into developing a “smooth like clockwork” camp. “I’m really looking forward to supporting these incredible regions and their teams,” Annmaree says.

Future-proofing the organisation

All the board members are here because they care deeply about the mission – create a space for kids to finally get to just be kids. But the reality is that the operation requires a lot of work from a lot of people.

One of the focuses from the board right now is implementing a brand new database and management system. This will change the way that regions undertake their registrations, track fundraising, manage data, and keep records. “This is so exciting,” says Annmaree, “and it will bring all regions on the same page. We’re essentially replacing an old legacy system and making it smarter, easier to use, and more secure. It’s a big project, but it will give us a long-term solution. It’s about future-proofing us going forward.”

Annmaree is also looking forward to increasing visibility and leaning into more sponsors. “I’d like to see more relationships with corporates and businesses. There is such an incredible story, an incredible impact that we can show. We want to make camp more known, get more kids and families interested in coming and getting the experience. More donors will help us support that.”

At every level of Camp Quality, there are passionate people giving their time, their expertise, and their energy to make the entire operation what it is today. For the board, the focus is to support the big picture – the strategy, the technology, the accounts, and the funding – so that the teams across the country can keep delivering incredible camps. It is no simple task, but our incredible board members are up to the challenge.